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An old prophet, by the name of Joshua, once said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". This prophet knew the need of having a house full of the servants of the Lord. Having a house full of the Lord's servants is a home filled with righteous fruit. No other god is operating in Joshua's house. Joshua's house did not know any other power, but that of his Lord. Since that is so, his house environment is filled with nothing but the smell of God's breath. All day every day, someone in the house of Joshua is quoting scriptures.
During the days of Joshua, the law and Ten Commandments were surely obeyed. Other gods did not have a place in the home of Joshua. Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, or man killers did lived inside his house. When Joshua realized who and what God is, he accepted the Lord presence. It is impossible to have a whole house given to the Lord, when unrighteousness is continually active in it.
Well, let me tell you about my house.
My parent's house, I believe, was not totally of the Lords. However, they did raise my sister and me in a drug free home. To the naked eye, our home was not seen under the power of chemical control substances. Well, put it like this, I do not remember seeing my parents use drugs or drink alcohol in our home.
Although my dad drank intoxicating beverages, it was never done in the view of his children. My dad kept his alcohol use activity outdoors, and in the bars.
Half-filled bottles of alcohol or marijuana stems were not found in our apartment. The refrigerator was free of booze, and the ashtrays were free of marijuana stems (roaches). I am not saying my parents were perfect or have never used chemicals. All I am saying is this; our home was drug free to the sight.
Parents who raise their children in drug free homes, shows significant amounts of love. Not only is love shown, but also care and respect flows through the house environment.
When parents consume alcohol or smoke dope in the view of their children, it shows they lack knowledge, and have no respect toward their children. What I am saying is this; parents should not walk through the house swallowing or smoking chemicals in the presence of their children. Getting high in the view of children has been done from generation after generation.
Parents must vow to make their residence a drug free home. Not only make a vow, but also it must be done in deed too.
When parents are raising a drug free home, usually, certain activities aren't seen performed in it. A lane for human drug trafficking will not be made at the front, back, or side door. Not only will raising kids in a drug free home stop excessive drug trafficking, but also, it will prevent evil from spreading abroad. What I mean by the phrase "drug trafficking"; is when people invite themselves to your home on a regular basis, just to get high on drugs. A drug free home automatically stops drug abusers from continually approaching it. When a residence becomes a "drug tracking" home, that house becomes unstable in all its ways.
Not only does the home become unstable, but also, in due time, it will lose its peace. Your home is like your community (neighborhood). Whatever drugs do to your community, the same event can happen in your home. Everyone goes to the neighborhood to intake drugs, and people will congregate in your house to do drugs, too. If drug usage is active in your home, your house will soon become the neighborhood drug parlor. Soon and very soon, the house will lose its peace and warmth. I now see why Joshua made his house serve the Lord.
Drug users will approach your home, and bang on one of your doors at any given time of the day. From sun up to sun down, people will use their hand to bang on your door. No matter hour it is, a drug user will boldly imprint his or her footsteps on your front porch.
A dope-craving individual will disrespect your home one way or another. No matter how many times you command a drug user not to visit your residence after midnight, he or she will disobey your commands. The dope head will visit your house as if you said nothing about it. Your words mean nothing. More also, you mean nothing. The only thing matters is, the person's brain is yearning or feigning for dope intoxicants to be put into it.
A drug seller or dope user's characteristic is a mental trait the children should not witness. When kids frequently perceive dope characteristics in the home, they soon become rebellious. The children "gradually develop" what is called a "rebellious spirit or a "stubborn attitude". Once children pick up that rebellious spirit, they become uncontrollable. In so many ways, the child's rebellion came, after viewing so much drug trafficking. This is not always true for the rebellion part, but in so many ways, it is. Therefore, keep drug characteristic out of the home. It is time for the loving parents to be identified as true Joshua leaders.
A parental leader often leads, guides, and becomes a role model or an inspiration. The formal leader must been seen as an upright individual. Leaders normally lead his or her followers (children) down the "right pathway". The leader must continuously guide his followers down the road of victory. They must set the stage for the children, and present unto them a pathway of righteousness. The leader must do everything from a sincere heart of love, and not through hideous ways of deceit. Alert the kids unto righteousness, and not unto the uprising of stupidity. Parents need to take charge, and, lift up a standard of righteousness within the home.
Another bad characteristic that should not be displayed in the home is this; parents should not escort or command their company (drug using friends) to go to another room just to get high. That procedure usually does not work. Unfortunately, people and parents assume that commanding their company to another area of the house, before utilizing drugs is a good tactic. Well, actually, going to a different area in the home does hide the physical activity of drug usage from the children's sight. However, there is another "mental sense" in the child's brain that will become alert and active. To all parents who believe sending their children to another room before using drugs is a good tactic, that's a scheme learned from The Power of Wickedness. Being filled with wickedness will cause parents and people to plot many ways just to get high, and then believe it was successful.
Although, the children might not see drug usage in action, the aroma from dope will expose its presence. When children smell the scent of dope, they immediately become suspicious. They became suspicious because, first of all, your company was invited to another area of the home. Secondly, the smell of dope alerted your child's intellect to knowing that mommy or daddy is doing something abnormal. Then the children will begin to wonder why mother or father's company always goes to another area of the house, every time certain people visit.
The eyes and ears on all children are their main tools for learning. Those two bodily functions (eyes and ears) are vital participants when being taught. When your children watch you do unrighteous or righteous deeds, it is like viewing an event on the TV screen. Many children continuously learn how to count numbers, or the official order of the ABC's from watching "Sesame Street", which is a TV program. When a television show has taught your child a thing or two, that child has intelligently learned from what was seen and heard. Parents, remember this, every action or episode performed, either by mouth or by physical movement, your children are observing, listening, hearing, and more so, learning.
When people have kids, their children become their students. Just as a student sits in a classroom to be taught by the schoolteacher, a child lives at home to be taught by the father and or mother. A teacher educates students from the knowledge learned, after reading and the studying books. A mother or father instruct the child, and give knowledge from experiences they have encountered in life. A teacher passes out assignments so that the students may comprehensively learn; on the other hand, a parent shares life situations, which shall teach the child what independent living is all about. A teacher asks for obedience and participation from the students, while a parent deserves strict obedience and high honor from the child. Those facts, which are mentioned in this paragraph, ought to be performed by the father and mother as being a teacher, and or a parental leader.
So loving parents, tell me, where is your influential leadership? Where is your performance of unconditional love and cherishing affection? Do you as a father or mother feel as if you are a leader in your home? Whether you feel as if you are a leader or not, when your adorable baby was born, you automatically became an ultimate leader. You took the time to have sexual relation, which produce the infant, now you have to take the time to direct the child's life. Telling your children not to do drugs is showing true leadership. However, if chemical usage is active in the home, then you are not being a Joshua leader. Stop allowing wickedness to come into your home in the form of chemical control substances.
The bible says, in 1st Corinthians 13:13 and now abideth faith, hope, and charity; but the greatest of the three is charity (love). That scripture means more of what I am about to explain. I wanted to use it as a love token for your parental understanding. Parents can have faith for their child's success; parents can have hope for their kids to have a decent living, however, if the parents aren't teaching and expressing love in the home, then nothing else truly matters. From the mouth, parents always tell their children, "I love you". Nevertheless, actions speak louder than words.
Have you ever heard the phrase; "actions speak louder than words"? If you have not told your kids that you love them, then your performed actions will speak for you. People say, "I love you" all the time, but if they are not showing love in the physical form, then true love is not at work. When trying to prove your love, it must be demonstrated, and expressed in action form. When you speak from the mouth that you love your kids, then outwardly it must be proven. Speaking love, and showing love, both must be at work. 1 plus 1 is 2, and speaking love plus showing love is the greatest addition of all. Therefore, let the house abide in love, by keeping chemical controlled substances out of it.
There are two types of love, which needs to be demonstrated among your children. There is a critical time for tough love to be demonstrated, and there is a precious moment for soft love to be assessed. Every mother and every father must have an understanding heart on which type of love to express. Every situation requires a certain type of love. When tough love is to be expressed, charge in with tough love. When soft love is to be performed, hold on to that. Showing tough love or soft love is part of the deal.
If parents do not express, and exalt true love among their children, many times the children will venture out into the world searching for "love". When your children seek or search for true love, it is greatly possible for them to find love the "wrong way" or in all the "wrong places". Not only must parents display acts of continual love, but also, a high level of care must be connected. Without true care, there is no true love. And without the concern of care, there is no true love. The type of love you plant inside your children's mind is the same performance of love the kids are going to display in public areas.
Children should always remember the counseling their natural parents or any guardian has given them. So, when desiring to do anything, you will do things the parent or parents will approve. Anytime a child does a particular deed taught by the parents, it will put a beautiful smile on mommy and daddy's face. However, if mother or father sees or hears about a bad deed performed, parents think back, did the child view it being done by you? If so, then the parents cannot be upset at the child. If any parent is doing or has done drugs in the home, and later on in life, mom or dad has witnessed or found out their child is in taking drugs, the parent should not be disappointed. The child is only repeating the activity seen by one or both parents. Therefore, not only does counseling with words teaches the children, but also, as I said before, whatever the parents do in the view of children educates them. Therefore in your home, let the spirit of Joshua abide in it.
I wonder how many front and back doors have been kicked in by the police force (the law). I wonder how many times a door has unexpectedly been knocked off its hinges, while having infants in the home. When the police force has been commanded to tear into your home for a drug bust, they come without warning. The same entrance drug associates use to enter into your home is the same pathway the local police force are going barge in.
Drugs have the power to create a pathway of wickedness. The law follows wickedness wherever it is being performed. Whether it is by prophecy or a constitution written in a book, one thing that is for certain, the law will follow you. In a later chapter, I will explain unto you concerning the phrase, "The law following you".
If any chemical control substance (drug) is hidden in your home, your house is plagued and affected with wickedness. Just by bringing drugs into your home, the dope itself brings The Power of Wickedness along with it. Drugs and wickedness are attached one to the other. Just as an unborn infant is attached to the belly of the mother, drugs are attached to the associations of wickedness. You will never find any street drug that does not carry wickedness along with it. They stay connected for life. Therefore, if you are hiding drugs in your home or possession, you are hiding wickedness as well. In fact, drugs give birth to wickedness. Once drugs are operating in the mind, they empower people to perform acts of wickedness.
Since it is against the law to have drugs in your possession (home), whenever the police busts in it, it is not the physical men (police) breaking in. It is the law boldly proceeding into your home to righteously convict and judge you. If drugs (wickedness) are found in your residence, the law then comes alive seeking to convict and complete its work. Since the law clearly speaks against having drugs in your home, the law must do its job through righteousness, and find what it is looking for (drugs) (The Power of Wickedness).
Actually, since God is the one who has ordained the laws, when the law comes to convict, it is by its power such an event is occurring. When the law (police) boldly rushes into your home, it comes to imprison, and make your life miserable. Therefore, purposely keep drugs out of your brain, and deliberately keep them out of your home.
Not only will the local police break into a "drug trafficking" home, but also, drug addicts will break into your residence as well. Drug users and dealers will break into your residence and rob you at gunpoint. Either drug users will rob you, or friends will prepare the moment to break into your home and steal. You can be at home, or away from home, however, the law, or drug-filled brains (evil men) will attempt to barge in. If the law is not after you, drug users will be after you. Either the police or drug heads will be planning for the right moment to come into your place of dwelling. Therefore, neither can you dodge the law, nor can you hide from drug users. Everyone, as well as the police knows that drugs are in your home. The law's job is catch you with drugs, then judge you; and the dope head job is to rob you of your possessions, so he or she can feed the addiction.
Hey parents, never think you have the house under control when drugs are stacked in it. Having drugs in your home will cause you to lose control over it. A package of drugs might only cover about 3 to 4 inches of space throughout the entire home, but from their explosive and evil power, the entire residence will be under dope's authority. Any form of evil can break loose in your home when drugs share a couple of inches of space within it. Drugs can be hidden in the attic, but they are powerful enough to control the entire building.
Parents, give your kids ongoing personal counseling as much as you can. Regardless of how hard the struggle seems to be, never give up on your child. As long as your child is living under your roof, eating food you've purchased, you have official rights to call for a moment of counseling. Send your child away with lively counseling. When the child packs up and move out of your home, and begin to live on his or her own, you are "righteously" free from any of the child's worldly experiences.
If your child has done something, that made his or her life bitter, did you, the parent ever warn your child about it. Many actions and performances us kids have done, our parents never thought we'd do some of the things done. Many parents never thought in a million years that their child would walk down a certain road in life. Although, our parents have explained unto us the first hand consequences for doing certain things, however, we did them anyway.
Every child will receive a reward for his or her own personal actions and mistakes made. No one is permitted to suffer for someone else's mistakes. If you have willingly committed the act, then you will take the full blame. If any child is caught breaking the law, he or she must bear the full guilt.
When kids or people do unlawful actions and a judgment comes upon them, that is called, "reap what you sow". However, I call it "The Judgment's Ghost Chaser. That rule (reap what you sow) most definitely implies to the entire world of people. Every human being will reap whatever he or she has sown in life. The "reap what you sow" law does not care about age. If a person sows it, then guess what, there must be a season to reap it. God provided the world with that law; therefore, it shall and will be active on earth until the day you die.
The "reap what you sow law" has not a mind to express kindness. If the reap what you sow law did have a mind, it will still think about payback. Can you imagine the number of people who did an evil work, and from it, they reaped death. On earth, I am sure there were many people who reaped death as their actual judgment. The reaping what you sow law exposes itself in many different levels of judgment. Whether the judgment be heavy or light, it will perform its divine duty. Whatever level or measurement of judgment a person is soon to reap; it will not be afraid of going up to the highest level, even unto death.
Little children, in order to be successful in your personal living, a work of obedience must be in session. You need to be obedient to your parents, as well as being obedient unto God's laws. It is an honorable thing to be obedient unto your parents, but it's a great honor to be obedient unto the statues of God. Why? Because God is the earth's judge. Therefore, not only should kids obey their parents, which are the leaders that control the earthly home, but also, children should obey God, who has the power and control over the entire universe.
Obedience is the master key that opens doorways to prosperity. In this life, no one will see full future prosperity unless a form of obedience is active. For example, let's say that you applied for a particular job, and the job requires for your body (system) to be free of drugs. In order to earn this job, you must obey the rules by having a drug free system (body). Therefore, you cannot intake dope into your body. Once you have passed the drug test and have been given the position, you have just walked into the ways of prosperity. Regardless of the amount of money the occupation pays, prosperity is not based upon financial gross. Prosperity comes after being obedient to rules and regulations.
My 3rd book, which is titled, "Keep Your Vision" is a good book concerning being obedient in order to inherit what your heart desires (prosperity). This book shall be published soon.
This is chapter 2 of the I Did Not Know book. There are 15 chapters in this book. Each chapter is filled with great knowledge and understanding. Read more or order about the book here: I Did Not Know
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